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Is this game dead? Nothing on patreon since jan 2024

unfortunately i think its dead, yea. been a whole year 

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This game for how much more it has to offer was more then some erotic Hgame...I'm not embarrassed to say but this game really hit me hard in the feels. How jenny is struggling with what she calls herself a freak. What hit hard the most was when Jenny broke down to Trina after the jet ski incidence. Then Trina telling her that beautiful but hurtful story of her marriage and it didn't help my feels that the music was so god damn perfect. Everything about this game on amazing and i really hope the people involved get to read this. Thank you.


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Tessa (the dev) recently gave a brief life update on another site (f95). They're still alive, dealing with life haha. They paused the payment on their patreon for basically all of 2024. They will try to get back into it for 2025 if possible. Either way, good news for us all! Good luck dev and stay healthy. 


Info from patreon on Jan 30th, dev says the development continues. 



dont let this game get abandoned too 


The game is abandoned it's always sad to see such good games get no finish oh well 😔.


I agree...

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sadly it is VERY common ..... never get your hopes up when you see a new game ... there is like 90% chance it will either get milked into oblivion with very minor update just to say "Guys , the game still exist .... now money ?" , or it will get abandoned  to the dismay of the  player base , for one reason  or another. When you see a new game or a new update, enjoy it for what it is , not what it can become.


very true and mostly this years there barely any new games coming out and more are getting abandoned day after day or just barely any updates.


Yo dev, fantastic game so far, I haven't finished it yet. There are very few futa x female games out there but the few there are, they have been enjoyable games/visual novels. I downloaded this for free because I have been burned by past futa games that turned out to be futa x male or futa x futa only which aren't my jam. So this is great. If you are going to continue working on this game until completion, I will join your patreon. Only reason I haven't yet is because I'm not sure if you're still active. But once again, great job, keep it up, and if there is a update soon I will join the patreon to support ya. 

5 stars from me.


Gotta say, even tho VN is not really my genre, I played quite a few, including other 3D model ones. But this is one of the few where the clothes actually look good and not like painted on. Still a tendency to be a bit too perfectly form fitting but nothing compared to other games. Weird that this is one of the things I noticed most but there it is.
Also, nice story - usually VNs bore me quickly, not so this time.
I hope I remember to check back in a year or so when there hopefully was an update again

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According to what I heard on F95 the dev had some issues with moving and a new job and hadn't been able to work on the game. I don't know if anything has improved since that post.

EDIT: If you want another one like this check out Eruption Imminent, It doesn't have the puzzles but the characters and story are 10/10


wish i was into futa because the design looks amazing in the screenshots XD but alas i have to pass, you futa lovers win this roun


this is one of the best game i have ever played

story 10/10

graphics 10/10 

animation 7/10 

it has a lot of potential to improve which is great

i hope he new update is ASAP

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Hello I just want to say that really liked the game's premise. I have one question though since English isn't my first language what exactly is the mermaids question mean? Like who do you want to be with the most or who do you want to be with the least?


This is really something. I’ve played a few of the games here and I got to say that this one is one of the best I’ve played so far. I’m not REALLY into futa content but the story, the characters, the dialogs… Everything has dept and is well written. The conversations feel real and interesting. It’s a very good work. All the best for you and your team (if you have one.). Can’t wait for what comes next.


Will there be a Futa on Futa scenes?


hope so

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I'm really like this game. Would like to ask You, when probably will realised Chapter 3 for this game? I hope this will be soon :)


So far this is really good, I will keep following this.  I appreciate that you get around revealing things by having fantasies to incorporate the sex.  Also, the music is very good.


Glad you're liking it so far!

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Will likely create some Christmas content for Patreon, but not as part of the VN itself.


puzzles are interesting 

Can not play it. Immediately after starting the game it crash's and instantly gives a traceback log. 

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Message me on Discord, please, and share the details of the traceback log. Fairly sure I know why it's crashing, can help you there in real time.

I don't have discord access as I'm just a public player of the game and wait for your releases to the public.


Everyone can join the Discord server, it's not locked to only supporters. There's a link in the body of the game page.

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Brilliant so far. Anything with futa on female gets my vote. This has become one of my favs on itch. Quick question, is Trina gonna be sexable? 

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Is the gallery broken in the new update or is it designed not to have every sex scene?

I just got past the changing room scene and now at the beach but the gallery doesn't have the changing room scene in it only the single 3D image.

I'm only asking so I know if I have to save before every scene to rewatch it.

Thank you for the amazing game!!


The gallery doesn't have every scene, only the ones normally unlocked by puzzles.

No real need to save before every scene. When you finish a chapter, you can choose from bookmarks in that chapter from Chapter Select in the main menu.


Thank you so much for the prompt reply! You are one of the most responsive devs I've seen in a very long time.


Is this coming to steam?


Eventually. Not sure when, since it will require a good deal of work to prepare it for Steam. But that's the plan.

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I was going to ask when is the next update. But, I read the comments and I can't wait for the update. You guys better not disappoint us we have been waiting for a hole year now this better be good I hope it will be good for what I played in 0.4 was already fire so hope this other update has the same impact🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥. The thing that got me hooked to this game is the fact that the mc is trying to hide her body and the fact that she's a futa mhh amazing by the way are you with a team are by yourself?.


Second that


I just made a post, it will be releasing to my patrons later this month and then publicly here two weeks after :)

And yes, I am indeed developing this by myself.

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Will make a post about it in the next few days. Update is much larger than I thought it would be but I'm almost done with it.

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So excited


The use of fantasies to add extra scenes is really smart and im surprised i dont see that more

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Holy crap. This is fantastic! Why is this not higher on the charts?

From the eloquent writing, to the world building, to the character designs and renders, to the unique positions that don't feel copy and pasted. Everything is just awesome! 

That's even before the puzzles, it's such a creative and fun idea. I would honestly be more apt to play JUST the puzzles, if it didn't gatekeep the smut. I honestly switched to Story Mode just to see where the story was going. They can be a bit of a time sink and sort of break up the story. But man, are they fun individually.

This may sound odd, but I am especially blown away by the water graphics and how much attention to detail was put into the refraction and lighting. The pride in your work shows immensely.

Seriously. This is some Caribdis level stuff. I have seen... probably too many... Ren'py VNs, and you are head and shoulders above 99% of them. Keep up the great work! I will be following this very closely, and look forward to this project finding it's end, please don't abandon this gem! This is one of few projects I would HAPPILY pay for.

P.S. shameless request: foot content pls


Thanks for the wonderful praise! Definitely not abandoning it, getting fairly close to finishing the next update!


next update when brother


Currently ~82% done


Brilliant story so far and characters actually have DEPTH!?!? 😀 You are a bloody CHAMPION Tessa. Many thanks! 👌🤘


is there anyway to play it without a wifi connection?

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No wi-fi connection is needed (other than to download the game).

All Renpy games (as far as I know once downloaded) don't require wifi to play, only if they have online features.


Why 90% of the games have the same character models xDDD


Which character model are you talking about? Or are you talking about the artstyle?

any news on the update?

Deleted 1 year ago
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